
Content Management System


In the past we have used a multitude of different content management systems from Silverstripe to Wordpress. While these existing frameworks are comprehensive, they offer little room for development in the new ways of working that we enjoy, such as HAML and SASS. Furthermore, they can be somewhat cumbersome in their development approach creating a steep learning curve for our clients.

Introducing our inhouse Content Management System

Over the past 7 years we have acquired a wealth of experience in what makes a good user interface and importantly what makes a good interface for our clients to use to update their website. We have taken the traditionally frontend for visitors and backend system for users and combined them together, so there is only the front end and users are given the power to edit the website as they see it.

Built for web developers, the system provides the basis for a simple website whilst giving absolute freedom to easily allow forums, blogs and custom code to be easily embedded. The project is available opensource from Github.

If you like the sound of our system then login and try updating and creating content. Visit the about page for more information on how to use the system.

The site will reset itself every 24 hours so don't be alarmed if the layout and content of the site suddenly changes.

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